March 29, 2009

Conficker Worm and how to save oneself?

Conficker worm is a worm which came into knowledge of world in Oct 08 is being treated as currently most dangerous malware which will become dangerously active on 1st April 09 which is targetted on various exploits and security holes left in the Microsoft Windows OS. 3 variant of Conficker have been released each becoming more dangerous. The third variant which like likely to become active on 1st April will calculate which domains to contact and start dumping all the data onto various server. Prior to that it will make the infected machine as a mini server connecting all the computer either connected through LAN or sharing similar IP address and infect all those computers making them vunerable on 1st April. When all the infected computers start connecting to internet and transferring huge quantity of data things will go haywire and result in chocking of internet. Just Searh for Conficker on Google and you will find numerous pages on it.

Well so how to save ourself?
1. If you are a windows user, head towards Microsoft Update Site and download all the patches, critical and essential update. Well, this is a tough ask for Indians like me downloading atleast few hundred MBs of updates and patches but it is essential in Windows. Once updated Conficker wom though may be sitting in in PC cannot so much and it will have to wait till it discovers another security hole in the Microsoft OS. Then head to this site to download GNU/Linux based Conficker removal tool. Its a real irony that Microsoft has to rely on Linux based removal tool for removing the one of the current biggest threat.
2. Alternatively get rid of youw Windows OS and get Linux.

We will discuss the option 2 in detail later on, I bet most of the people will head for option 1 despite the fact that Microsoft is a resource hog, unstable, more prone to virus, trojan, worm etc., having poor security and need to run antivirus, antispyware, antimalware, antirootkit, etc. to keep it safe.

Anyways time to patchup your Windows and let me enjoy my Linux.