February 07, 2009

Eagle Eye - A review

Just Completed watching Eagle Eye movie. Well this movie has been released over 3 monthes ago then why the review is now. Well for first, this is my blog and I will blog whatever I like and secondly, I didn't found any good review of the movie for Indian viewer by and Indian. The IMDB plot summary states

Jerry Shaw is an amiable slacker with an over-achieving twin brother. After his twin dies in an accident, strange things happen to Jerry at a dizzying pace: a fortune shows up in his bank account, weapons are delivered to his flat, and a voice on his cell phone tells him the police are on their way. Jerry follows the voice's instructions, and soon he and a woman he's never met are racing through the city, on to a plane, and eventually to the Pentagon, chased by the FBI. She is Rachel Holloman, a single mom; the voice has threatened her son's death if she doesn't cooperate. The voice seems to know everything. Who is behind it, what is being planned, and why Jerry and Rachel?

Well the story is simple and it shows how AI can become so powerful that it can overtake all the decision making to itself and it also shows to some extent how the American power houses are sometimes corrupted by power and don't consider before taking life of innocent.
Anyways there are some worthwhile watching action scene in the movie which you should never miss, The first one is action scene in local railway where Jerry Shaw is trying to escape from the calls coming from the AI eagle Eye. Really good action packed and well executed. The second most exhilarating scene was the entry of aircraft in the tunnel and accident, destruction and escape of Jerry Shaw. The third scene of chase of Rachel Holloman and  Jerry Shaw in the airport luggage conveyor system is a real treat to watch.
Verdict: If you like some action, fast paced movies (which most of the young Indian male) like, do watch it.

Plot : 8 out of 10
Action Sequence: 9 out of 10
Acting : 7 out of 10
Background Music: 7 out of 10.
Direction : 9 out of 10
Overall : 8 out of 10