June 06, 2008

Orkut offers new themes

I don't know if any one of you have noticed. Orkut for India is now orkut.co.in and besides adding new features like customized apps and option to invite friends from Hotmail, AOL and Rediff. They have made option of changing themes available to the Indian Users. In the initial phase, this will be available for selected Indian users and later extended for all Indian Users.

Here are some snapshots of the few of the new available themes


Now this make me think whether orkut is trying to become similiar to facebook. May be or maybe not, but with added feature, its definitely delight for the users for orkut users, specially Indians for whom by large Orkut is the only social networking site.

BTW you can add me as a friend. My orkut link is <a href="http://www.orkut.co.in/Profile.aspx?uid=7969783907907728993" target="_blank">here.</a>